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Section: New Software and Platforms

New Software


This code is devoted to solve 3D-flows past moving and deformable bodies. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved on fixed grids, and the bodies are taken into account thanks to penalization and/or immersed boundary methods. The interface between the fluid and the bodies is tracked with a level set function or in a Lagrangian way. The numerical code is fully second order (time and space). The numerical method is based on projection schemes of Chorin-Temam type. The code is written in C language and use Petsc ( library for the resolution of large linear systems in parallel. NaSCar can be used to simulate both hydrodynamic bio-locomotion as fish like swimming and aerodynamic flows such wake generated by a wind turbine.


The code is devoted to solve incompressible flows modeled by Navier-Stokes equations in two or three-dimensions. The equation of temperature can be added as well as Oldroyd-B model for viscous-elastic fluids. The two-dimensional version allows many sets of boundary conditions based on Dirichlet boundary condition, open boundary condition and periodic boundary condition. Bodies immersed in the fluid are taken into account by means of the volume penalization method as the code uses only uniform Cartesian meshes. The approximation is performed efficiently by a second order scheme for the linear terms and an upwind third order scheme for the convection terms. An efficient multigrid algorithm is used to accelerate the convergence. The whole code is written in FORTRAN 95 with MPI parallelization. When it is possible an hybrid MPI/OPEN MP parallelization is applied. The code yields the approximate solution at chosen times as well as the mean flow. In addition the time evolution of the main quantities at given points and global physical quantities such as the energy, the enstrophy, the lift, the drag are provided.


This is a research code to solve compressible multi-material flows modeled by conservation laws and hyperelatic constitutive models in three-dimensions. The whole code is written in FORTRAN 95 with MPI parallelization.


This code solves a polyatomic extension of the BGK or the ES-BGK models on octree meshes in parallel (Kinetic Octree Parallel Poly Atomic: KOPPA). It is a finite-volume code second-order accurate scheme in space and time with immersed boundaries. In collaboration with STORM team of Inria, Optimad and CINECA a porting on multi-integrated cores (XEON Phi for the moment) of this code is in progress.